Monday, June 14, 2010

Things are happening

Well it has been a little while since I have posted anything on here. I did those first four posts pretty quickly and then things just got busy I suppose. Break for school ended and I had to rush to get things done on time and make sure that I was not falling behind in my work. But I got everything for the semester done and I did pretty well in all of my classes. I am officially done with class for college. Four years have just flown by and somehow I have gone from being an incoming freshman to a man who has completed all four years (I still have to complete my internship requirements so I have not quite graduated yet). I greatly appreciate all that the professors and the rest of the staff at CCCB have done for me. I have learned so much and I truly believe they have enabled me to be prepared for full time ministry. Which brings me to what is going on now. June 1, 2010 I started at Cornerstone Christian Church in Bowling Green, MO as their full time Youth Leader. I could not be more excited! I was not expecting to come on full time at least for a while because of the small size of this congregation but God has provided! It has been amazing to work here these 2 weeks and be able to accomplish everything that I have. When you sit down and plan out your week in hour increments and stick to that schedule (except when something else that cannot wait comes up) I have found my time to be used for all that it is worth. I would really encourage anyone reading this to sit down and think about what you need to get done this week and plan it all out. It also helps to set some goals for yourself. What do you want done in the immediate future (today, this week, this month)? What do you want done in the near future (the end of the month though 6 months)? What do you want done farther out (7 months to a few years)? And even 5 years from now? It takes some time and some praying but it is an amazing tool that I believe God will use. That is the other thing. In making all of this up make sure you are consulting God. As Christians we should be seeking Him out every single day for our lives. There is no spot in our lives that we should not be abiding in Him. This is also very difficult and takes time and effort but the rewards are great! I have been learning all of these thing lately! Its really hard to not try to take complete control instead of letting God lead. I'm finding it especially hard in my relationship with my wife and with the upcoming birth of my child. I want to just lead, which as the head of the household I am supposed to do but I am to do it under Christ. Well I could keep going and going but I think that is all I wanted to say for today. Hopefully I write again a little sooner than this last gap I had.

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