Thursday, April 8, 2010

starting out

I have been thinking about starting to blog for a while now. I had a blog once on xanga way back when and used it like 3 times, but that was back in the days of dial up internet at my parents house. I need to write more. I am at home a lot during the week. I sit around, maybe do some homework, do some cleaning and that's it. During the day I think about a lot of different things but I never write them down. I guess that is what I want to turn this blog into. This is a place where I can jot down all the things about which I think. Sometimes there may be no flow to my ideas, I have to write them as I think about them. So here goes #1

Today I was looking through my facebook contacts' statuses. I like doing this to see what is on everybody's mind, you know just to keep up in this busy fast paced world in which we live. I came across one of someone who is a Christian. Her status was about not understanding why people like to hurt others but don't worry because it would come back on them 10 times fold. I do not claim to know everything about the Bible but I am at a loss of where it says that. Then someone else commented and said something about it being Karma and it always comes back around. Well sure it does, in that kind of fake universe! Karma is not in control! God is! And yet this other person never said anything against it. How frustrating! Maybe when I write next time I will have found that verse in the Bible and I will have been proved wrong but until then I'm pretty upset with the ignorance of some Christians here in America. And again maybe I am the one that is ignorant but we have come to a point where we just have made being an American into the same thing as being a Christian. Being a Christian has no ethnic boundaries. It can be lived by all the peoples of the world, as long as they are following God's teaching that He has given to us in His word! But because as Americans we are not forced to memorize Scripture because we do not need it because nobody is really challenging our faith, because we don't really need to hide His word in our heart because we do not need its life changing message. We have just become comfortable. We fall into the same routine, and I'm not saying all routine is bad, but we get stuck there and do not continue to change, to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. How can we ever test and prove what God's wonderful will is for our lives? Of course I have just convicted myself. I think I am so upset about this because I have found myself going down that same path. It's me who really is becoming ignorant, who is leading the same routine and doing nothing but sitting on the couch everyday. I need to hide His word in my heart. It is me who needs to be transformed. I want to memorize Scripture so that I know it. That is my challenge to myself, to memorize a passage of Scripture this week and spend time mulling over it so that I can truly understand and be transformed by the Holy Spirit. This whole writing thing may be good for me. :)

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